Baby Names

Poll: Who picked out YOUR name?

I always think it's interesting how people go through the naming process.  So...go!  (and if one of the choices doesn't work, explain!)

Re: Poll: Who picked out YOUR name?

  • I'm named after Erica from All My Children. The funny thing is my mom didn't even really watch that show.

    Proud Mama to Mickey (12.03.09) and Nemo (06.06.13)

  • my parents picked it together.
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  • I'm not sure how my father got away with it, but he managed to name all four of his children.
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  • me and my h is our baby WHY would someone else name it?
  • my mom picked out my first name..she was torn between stacey and destiny...Stacey won out...coincidentally i have the chinese symbol for destiny on my back, got the tat before i knew the name deep!! lol

    My dad picked my middle name LaToya after the lovely Latoya

    If it were up to gma i would be named kathy or kathleen...def not me

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  • My dad picked my name (Emily) and he got it from a character on the Bob Newhart Show! Very random! But there were very few Emily's around when I was growing up.

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  • imagemagsugar13:
    me and my h is our baby WHY would someone else name it?

    i meant, the name YOU were given.  not your child's name.  you misunderstand.

  • and i should answer. 

    my father named me.  he liked Jennifer and Lee is a family middle name on both sides of my family.

    Now, my sister's name is more unique.  My parents lived across the hall in an apartment building from two girls, one named Amy and one named Elaine.  So they named my sister Amy Elaine.  

  • Both parents. My Dad picked my full name (Kathleen) based on the nickname my Mom wanted me to have. (Kate, Katie)
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  • imageJinglesChic:
    I'm named after Erica from All My Children. The funny thing is my mom didn't even really watch that show.

    OH my goodness!! Thats who I was named after too! My grandmother used to watch the show and thought it was a beautiful name so she suggested in to my parents, except she changed it to Erika with a "k". lol Thats so funny...

  • Father. ?He picked all of our names, and my mom wasn't a fan of my sister (Megan) or my name (Mandie) at all. ?She just finally gave in and let him have his way- she wanted more common 80s names (Jennifer and Kristen).

    I'm glad my dad won, even if I was named for a Barry Manilow song. ?;)?

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  • imageJinglesChic:
    I'm named after Erica from All My Children. The funny thing is my mom didn't even really watch that show.

    Funny~ my folks had a boys name and had no girls name when I arrived. Finally my mom picked Rachel (but spelled it Rachael) after a soap that she watched. The character on the show was apparently a b* they chose an alternate spelling!

  • My name is the feminine form of my dad's name.  My mom had always wanted to name her daughter Carmen but decided against it since she though it sounded too "ethnic" with my dad's last name, which is Portuguese/Spanish.
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  • My mother and father had agreed to name me Nathalie, but then I was born premature while my father was still out on a military tour, and my mom saw me and decided Nathalie wasn't for me. She decided on Isabelle without telling my dad.  He loves the name though!
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    Eleanor Noelle - 18/05/12 Claire Elisabeth - 16/-5/10
  • Funny I am named after Linda Evans character "Krystle" on the soap Dynasty, my dad had the hots for her
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  • My mom did. My grandfather's favorite song has my name in the title.
  • My mom, aunt, and great-aunt all liked the name Dannielle.  They agreed the one who had the first girl got to use the name.  My great-aunt had 2 boys, and then I was born.  So my mom "won."  She also picked my middle name, so my dad got to pick my sister's name.
  • My aunt was due 3 weeks before my mom.  She had a boy and a girl name picked out, ended up having a boy, so my mom "stole" her girl name. 

    My mom was not very original when choosing names for any of her

  • Both my parents came up with my name.  My mom wanted to name me Andrea and my dad wanted Deidre so they got the "brilliant" idea to combine them and came up with a horrid name and named me that horrid name.
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  • My mom made the final call, but I am named after Emily Dicksonson, the poet.
    Sadie is not impressed.
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    "This ribbon has been reported." - lovesnina
  • My parents agreed but if my mom had her way I would have been named rythm. ( I have a sister named harmony)
  • I didn't vote, but both of my parents named me.
  • I was born two weeks late, my mom had a different name picked out for each day..... one day earlier I would have been named Stormy. :)
  • Funny, all the All My Children stories!


    My mom named me after a character named Tara on AMC...she just wasn't very creative so she added my middle name, Ann, as filler.

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  • Both my parents. Mom got Aimee from the French actress Anouk Aimee. Pronounced (ah-mee) in French but Amy in America. Dad picked Nicole as my middle name from his grandfather Louis Nicholas. I have a nephew Nicholas and my DDs middle name is Nicole. Both my brother and I have used family names as middle names. I love my name.
  • my mom named me pamela after a character on dynasty or dallas, can't remember which one. i'm sure my dad was okay w/ it though and my middle name his mother's name.

  • My mom loved the movie Endless Love so she named me after Brooke Shields.
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  • I'm named after a girl my dad liked in high school... Don't tell my mom though.
  • My dad named me Allison after his mother Allie, and Meghan for a form of Margareta for his grandmother. My mom agreed to the name. My parents had a deal, my mom would name any boys, my dad girls, but they had to both agree on the name in the end.
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