Two Under 2

was refered to this board. I am pregnant.

I got the biggest shock of my life this week. I knew that my period was late but thought nothing of it because DH and I use protection all the time. Turns out we were that 1% that it fails for (nothing ever broke or anything, must have been a manufacturer flaw)

Anyway I realized that I was late for my period by a week, so just offhandedly I took a preg test bec we had one left from when I was preg with DS. Didnt think much of it, and was about to toss it bec I thought it said "Not pregnant" which of course I KNEW, when I did a double take and it said "Pregnant". I just about hit the floor. I completely freaked out.

(Some back info I had severe morning sickness, preterm labor, bedrest pregnancy was horrible!! Also, we have started the adoption process to adopt a boy 12-15 months old from Russia because we always knew we wanted to adopt one or 2 children after we had our DS. I was not planning on doing pregnancy again for a few years!!)

Anyway, I had a tough 24 hours dealing with the reality of a newborn and 2 year old, having my plans change so drastically (we will have to put off the adoption until this child is 1 or 2), etc...but am doing better now and am getting excited for another child, but am very fearful of what is to come with this pregnancy. I am also really nervous about how I will handle and newborn and a 2 year old. Any of you have children this close in age (DS will turn 2 around DC#2's due date!!)? DS was born may 08, DC will be born May 2010. I would love any advice, etc?

Just needed to tell someone!! Thanks girls.

Re: was refered to this board. I am pregnant.

  • Congrats on your news, shocking as it is for you right now. Mine are almost exactly two years (planned that way) and so far it's going really well. DD loves her little brother and DH and I are much more relaxed/confident than we were the first time. You'll adjust and be just fine! :)
    Nadia Irene 8/13/07 Reid Owen 8/18/09
  • Best of luck!  My girls are 26 months apart.  I think the key is to make sure anything that DS can get into when you are feeding the little one is up out of reach.  Also, I would seriously consider introducing potty training before baby is born (My DD was pretty much done before sister was born).

    Good Luck!

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