
My girls are here!

Isabella Danielle Marie and Aliyah (a-lie-ya) Charlotte Marie born 8/20 via c/s at 36 wks. 

Bella was 5lb 2oz and Aliyah was 6lb 7oz,  Bella spent a few days in the NICU and came home a week after her sister did.  We are doing well and the girls are wonderful.  I am EBF and have tandem feeding down.  The eat at the same time 9 times out of 10 and sleep 5-6 hr stretches at night.  Definately easier then I had imagined!  It has been a busy 2 wks so I am sorry I am just now getting to posting their birth.  I was on hosp bedrest for 2 wks prior to their arrival and we were shooting to deliver on the 28th but I ended up having an infection and within a matter of 2 hrs we went from thinking we were sitting in the hosp for the next few wks to preping for delivery.   I hope to get around to my delivery story and the days leading up to it very soon...but for now here there are!

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