
Recommend your pg journal

I feel like the biggest slacker b/c I haven't started a pg journal yet. I just haven't found one that I like. Does anyone have one they really like? A multiples one would be great but is not a necessity. TIA!

Re: Recommend your pg journal

  • I'm using the "What To Expect When You're Expecting Pregnancy Journal".  I guess my complaints are that it is paperback and that means over the years in a keepsake box (which my kids want to get into to every so often to look at the stuff) it would tear up and look worn quicker and that it is almost too much information.  I mean, I haven't filled out half the stuff in it and probably won't.  But if that's what your looking for, this is the one.  My Dr. office game me one in a lovely little carrying case that was condensed and I gave it away but now I wish I would have used it instead.  Also, if you can't find a multiples one you might buy two of the same and fill them out in double because I'm only filling out one and now I'm thinking, which twin gets to keep it? 
  • I've been using the Belly Book as my pregnancy journal, its really cute.



    It is not geared towards multiples but I just add Baby A and Baby B when I want to add info on both of them.  It also has slots where you can add pictures of your weekly belly pics and although I dont take them weekly, I try to add something from the week (confirmation paper of a doctor's appt, picture of DH and I putting together nursery, whatever)

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