Can you share some of your experiences with me? I am in the hospital now and here till I have my daughter. I had my DS at 27 weeks so feel incredibly grateful to be where I am now (33w 3d) but signs are pointing to not making it to 37 like we were hoping. I would like to know what you faced with a later term preemie, how long your NICU stay was, etc?
Re: 34-36 weekers
Our Blog
Katie was born right at 34 weeks.
She had to be resuscitated at birth (Apgar of 1), but she didn't need breathing assistance after the pedis got her going. I think the mag caused the problems--when I got her records, she had way too much in her blood.
After that, she needed a few days to regulate her temp, learn to eat, and quit have A&B episodes. She was in the hospital for 10 days.
The boys were born at 36w4d. Sam came home with me but Jake had mild hypoglycemia and then developed NEC and was in the NICU for 24 days before coming home.
I had the steroid shots at 32 weeks as a safety precaution for their lungs.
Well, I think you know my story by Lilly was born at 36w3d and spent 5 days in the NICU because of Respiratory Distress and was on the CPAP and then the nose cannula.
She had problems feeding and needed the NG tube.
Shes now 2 weeks old and is up over a pound from her birth weight, lol. She LOVES to eat. Shes already up to 4 oz every 3 hours!
I saw you saw how chunky my little man is I thought I would let you know the details, even though we didn't make it to 34 weeks. Plus you were so helpful to me when I was in your shoes! THANKS!!!
We made it to 33 weeks, he was basically a feeder/grower (though they never said that right away, so I was super scared/nervous). He had the routine course of antibiotics/fluids due to pPROM, he was taking colostrom on day 2 via feeding tube, and breathed room air on day one.
He was in the NICU for 1 1/2 weeks, then down to the special care (level II) nursery for another 4 weeks. After about 2 weeks, they just kept saying, he just needs to learn how to eat. We struggled with that for 3 more weeks and then we took our little man home.
Mine were 34w3d and they were both immediately breathing on their own and doing well. They were in the NICU for 11 days as feeders and growers. They were 4 lbs., 5 oz., and 4 lbs., 15 oz. when they were born. Now they're almost three months old and are closing in on ten pounds each.
Good luck! I hope you are able to stick it out a little longer.
35w2d for my girls -
No NICU time other than overnight observation of my IUGR (3 1/2 lbs) girl. They couldn't find anything wrong with her! I did have the steroid shots and was on nearly constant monitoring at the hospital on bedrest starting before 27 weeks due to PTL. The girls arrived when baby b's water broke. I was terrified that they would have to remain in the NICU and was pleasantly surprised by the outcome! They do say that girls do better...
Good luck!