We are at the beach with another family who have kids 6 and 8. DS (2.5) is soooo hyper from playing with them that he has been talking for an hour during nap. Everyone else except he and I are on the beach so the house is quiet. Would you leave him since he's not fussing or get him up even though he will be a holy terror by 7 and you know he's going to bed past his bedtime (which is 8) it will be more like 9 or 10 tonight since we have plans.
Re: WWYD re- vacation and nap
There have been times when Preston is so wound up from the day that it takes him what seems like forever to fall alseep. Eventually, I have to go in there and tell him that it is time to nap and that he needs to close his eyes and go to sleep. This usually works.
Good luck! It was a short phase and he now will take a nap and fall alseep immediately (especially after being at the beach or pool for a few hours) no problem.
Summer 2011
This 100%. ?There is no way in the world Noah would nap in the stroller at this point. ?Hasn't since he was an infant. ?I'd wait it out. ?
This 100%. ?There is no way in the world Noah would nap in the stroller at this point. ?Hasn't since he was an infant. ?I'd wait it out. ?
Brittyn has never napped in the stroller, ever, so I'm in the wait it out or go in and say "ok it's time to quiet down and nap".
Brittyn actually did that today. One of my friends came over that she absolutely adores and she was so excited from her being here that she didn't go to sleep after I laid her down for almost 2 HRS!!!