No honey, I wish I had a solution for you. Unfort, it's the MAIN thing DS asked for for his bday tomorrow.....and the poor guy isn't getting it because I can't find it anywhere and refuse to pay $70+ for it when I know it doesn't really cost that much. He's getting a rain check on it instead.
I wish we would have bought it at A Day Out with Thomas but we thought we'd be able to find it elsewhere. Now DS's birthday is coming up and we can't find it! Apparently it's no longer being made so the price is around 150 now! Target has them online saying they'll arrive in 2-4 weeks. I got it there, we'll see if it comes.
Re: Thomas and Friends TrackMaster Thomas at Action Canyon
I wish we would have bought it at A Day Out with Thomas but we thought we'd be able to find it elsewhere. Now DS's birthday is coming up and we can't find it! Apparently it's no longer being made so the price is around 150 now! Target has them online saying they'll arrive in 2-4 weeks. I got it there, we'll see if it comes.
sorry, didn't see the pp had posted the target one.