
When did your SERIOUS m/s begin?

I've been told that the morning sickness is (or can be) worse with twins.  I'm 7 weeks today, and I've had fairly low-grade nausea each day (almost all day) since about 5.5 weeks. No inkling of wanting to throw up or anything.  Feels better when I eat...  Did most of you with multiples have pretty strong m/s?  If so, when did it truly start?

Re: When did your SERIOUS m/s begin?

  • I had nausea week 5 and part of week 6. One day it completely disappeared and never returned. I am grateful everyday that I didn't have to endure it. Studies have found a correlation between motion sickness and m/s. Since I have pretty bad motion sickness, I was fully prepared for serious m/s and nada! Hopefully, yours will be the same!
  • I never had one day of morning sickness.  I kept waiting for it, but it never happened. 
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  • 6 weeks, and got even worse around 11 weeks.

    After 2 rounds of IVF & 2 rounds of FET, we were blessed with identical twin girls!

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  • Started around 6 weeks and ended around 14.  But I never threw up either.  I just felt nausua and I despised eating and I was exhausted every second of the day.  I'm still not thrilled about eating but I'm not sick anymore. 
  • I was really lucky - I had mild nausea, but never actually threw up. I felt better when I ate too, so I lived on a constant stream of carbs & dairy for about the first 12 weeks :o)

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  • i never got m/s. exhausted....yes!
  • I had major nausea from 3w6d through most of the first tri; it started gradually tapering off from about 11w to 13w. I never threw up, but I wasn't surprised; I haven't thrown up since I was 7.
    fraternal twin boys born january 2009
  • I too never had a day of morning sickness, don't believe what anyone says about symptoms being doubled just because you're having twins, everyone's body reacts differently! Good Luck!


  • I started feeling awful at weeks 6-7 and went to the hospital 2x for dehydration.  Zofran was my BFF.
  • I had horrible m/s with my singleton and the triplets.  With both pregnancies, it started at 6 weeks exactly - full blown m/s - it was almost like it started overnight.  I puked everything - sometimes even with the Zofran.
  • my m/s was worse with my twin pg than my singleton pg  but it was still not bad at all.  I only threw up 3x's the whole pg - once was when i had a stomach bug.  I had some true morning sickness in the first tri - i felt queasy from about 3am until 9am... but nothing horrible.  Not everyone gets m/s... twins or not.
  • For me weeks 8-11 were the worst.  I had some before and some after, but those weeks were tough.  I don't think mine was any worse though than if I had one.
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    3/23 Beta #1 @ 17dpo = 913, Beta #2 @ 19dpo = 1724, Beta #3 @ 21 dpo = 3240
    First u/s 3/29 @ 5 weeks 2 days - 3 sacs 6 weeks 3 days - 3 heartbeats 8 Weeks - Lost Baby C, Babies A and B going strong
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  • I was another lucky one without any real m/s--just some "sea sick" bouts here and there between 8-13 wks. I'd say exhaustion was more of an issue. Hope you are feeling better soon!!!
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  • Thank you very much for your replies, everyone!!  It helps to hear different versions of how things go!
  • mine started around week 5 and has been pretty much constant, all day every day. I'm  at 11 weeks now. I've thrown up about a half dozen times. I'm fighting the urge to throw up a few times a day though. I feel better when I eat, for about an hour.
  • I started around 5 weeks and I am still going strong wih m/s. I would say around week 11 it started to slow down. Like instead of all day sick feeling it would be until about 11am or if I ate to much to fast. I still have food aversions and will not eat any sort of beef.  I puke every morning several times still. only a couple of days did I puke all day. Those were the worst. I am wondering when It will really go away. Only time will tell.
  • I haven't had any morning sickness yet, not even mild nausea.  My doctor said I'm not out of the woods until week 14, but neither my mom or my aunt have ever had morning sickness, so I am really hoping that I'm one of the lucky ones that doesn't get it.
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  • 34w!  I didn't have much at the beginning but I'm on zofran now
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  • From week 6 to week 18. And my experience held true to the idea that it was twice as bad - although that isn't the case for many. Mine kicked my ass hardcore the entire time - Zofran, puking, no fun. But then it stopped and that was that :)
  • I started getting m/s at 5 weeks and it lasted until 11 weeks.  I was bad the entire time but esp. horrible weeks 9-11.  Everyone is different though
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  • Mine started at 6 weeks and didn't stop until I delivered them.


  • Mine was from week 8 to week  After that it went away except for one spell a week.  Zofran was so helpful and towards the end I was able to take Nexium which helped a lot too.  GL!

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