After dinner last night we took the kids to the park. DD was playing with 2 little girls. One kept walking around fussing. At one point she looked at me and said, "I'm a big fat cry baby." I was surprised. I think she was around DD's age and pretty heavy. I thought it was her mom, but it turned out to be a family friend,who was watching her.
Next thing I know the woman is calling me over to help. The little girl climbed into the baby swing and was completely stuck. Her thighs were not budging out of that swing. DH had to come help because I could not lift the little girl. We finally got her out, but the woman was talking so badly to the little girl. Yelling at her for climbing in and then said, "You're way to fat to be in there!" The little girl was crying and the woman said, "Go play you big fat cry baby!"
I could have smacked the woman. DH and I wanted to say something, but what? The little girl's mom showed up about 10 minutes later and they both made fun of her. The only thing I could think to say after that was, "From the looks of it, you really don't have room to talk." Of course I didn't, but how awful to treat a child that way!
Re: Sad situation at the park
That is SO sad. I would have said something to them... "she learns by example." "you're the one responsible for feeding her" and to the little girl "honey, you're beautiful!" ugh... that's so heart breaking.
Ugh...that makes my stomach turn. I'm feisty these days and I would have said something. I was an overweight child and my dad was "disapproving", and it hurt. I can't imagine how it would feel to be talked to like that father was a lot milder about it. Poor little girl : (
this stuff makes me so mad!!!! gmil used to tell my niece she was fat!!! hello dumb lady she has luekemia she is on steriods!!! leave her alone!!!!
I hope I never hear someone say something like that to my child or any other child!
That is so sad. My FIL likes to point out when he thinks one of the grandkids is getting chubby. Super fun!
Ugh I freaking hate that.