I had my dr. app with the regular ob yesterday and she heard two heartbeats (whew!) but she listened with the doppler and said she wouldn't be giving me any ultrasounds, they would all be done by the high risk dr. I asked when she would check my cervix to see if it is shortening and she said he would be doing that. Did anybody have a regular ob and a high risk one. What is the purpose in the reg ob if all she does is use the doppler and ask if I have any questions?
Also, I got the flu shot. Kinda freaky though. I feel like I do after I gave my babies vaccinations. Like I need to keep an eye on them for awhile to see if they are going to have a bad reaction. Has anybody else got their flu shot yet?
And, I am 15 weeks and all I feel is a little faint tickling sometimes, should I be feeling more movement by now? This twin business has got me stressed out!
Re: ob, flu shot and movement
I went to a midwife (was living abroad so didn't have going to the ob between peri appts. as an option) and she did the weight, urine sample, doppler, bump measurement, etc. every 2-3 weeks between my monthly peri visits (at my peri, we did the u/s). since i'm back in the US, i don't have a sep. OB and peri--my peri functions as both and will be delivering my twins. Think it just depends on what your dr./facility offers.
As for the flu shot, went to my 30 wk appt. yesterday and nurse wrote me a slip to get one done but not sure if I will get it or not (simply b/c i never got flu shots when I wasn't pg, so not sure if I will start getting them now).
For the movement, every woman is diff. Is this your first pg? I felt "twittering" at 17.5 wks (when I knew it wasn't gas bubbles! LOL) but then more distinct movements didn't start up till about 20 wks if I recall right. I remember asking my peri and he said since it was my first PG, movements typically didn't start until about 20 wks. They tend to start sooner (b/c you know what they feel like after already having been PG before) if it's not your first PG.
I am seeing both an OB & a peri.
My OB will deliver the baby - my peri doesn't do that.
My OB will keep on track of the mundane stuff but I can already tell that he isn't giving me the attention I think twins deserves; in that he thinks most of the extra care and vitamins my peri recommended aren't necessary. If I had the energy to do so, I'd probably switch OBs, but since I have the peri as backup, I'm OK with it.
Having said that, Peri understands twins and high risk much better. He's given me great advice so far and I know he has the babies and my best interest at hand. Peri said that he'll focus on making sure the babies are measuring accurately and that they're both progressing about the same. He'll conduct extra tests (like the NT scan he did that my OB doesn't offer). He'll also keep an eye out for any signs of preterm labor throughout my pregnancy so that we can do everything we can to avoid it.
Hope that helps!
i think most of us have OBs and Peris. my ob checks all the regular pregnancy stuff, gestational diabeties, urine checks etc. my ob will also be the one to deliver these two, my peri only would have if they were born before 32 weeks. my peri does all the ultrasounds, did cervix checks, now we monitor them twice a week. if you dont like your OB you can ask your peri if they will take over your entire care (this means transferring your care and your peri getting permission from your insurance to do so). your insurance might not say yes because (im guessing peris charge more as they are specialists).
as for movement i didnt feel them regularly until 20 weeks so you are well within the normal range. write down all your questions and call the dr if you feel freaked out. thats one good thing about having two dr. you can ask both a ton of questions. the information will help you feel more secure about whats going on. GL.