
Anyone live in CT?

I actually forgot about these boards (strange since I was addicted when I was pregnant and didn't sleep). So I'm new. We moved to CT last summer and since I'm a SAHM, I haven't really made any new friends (that sounds terrible). My girls are just old enough to start wanting to do things, they are 2 and 11 months. So any fun things to do or see would be great. Oh and we live in Simsbury. I can only take them shopping so much!

Re: Anyone live in CT?

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  • I did and there is a waiting list for the one closest to me and another is only accepting boys. They like to keep a certain ratio. I have a few friends here because I live in a very close neighborhood I just need new friends.
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  • I'm in ct, but i'm probably about an hour from you. There are a lot of things to do.

    Check out this website: You can search by area so you can see whats closest to you and then what else is available in the state if you feel like traveling.

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