
TwoBumbleBees-please clarify

How is it that your twins have different due dates?

Are you assuming that they have due dates because they are measuring differently? My girls were about a week apart and they still had the same due date. 

Please clarify.

Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Mommy to twin girls, Ashlyn & Fiona, born at 34 weeks due to vasa previa.

Re: TwoBumbleBees-please clarify

  • It's a measurement thing. The due date can be accurately determined by your last period, but if you don't know that, they look at the length of the baby. Some twins aren't near the same size--hence the difference in due date. Mine were two days apart on the first ultrasound.
  • imagebrougfa:
    It's a measurement thing. The due date can be accurately determined by your last period, but if you don't know that, they look at the length of the baby. Some twins aren't near the same size--hence the difference in due date. Mine were two days apart on the first ultrasound.

    Mine measured 6 days apart at one of the first ultrasounds but they still always had the same due date; they were conceived at the same time, but any two (or more) babies are going to develop at different rates, so at any given ultrasound the gestational age they are measuring might vary a little bit. They are still the same actual gestational age though. It's not like an 8-lb 40-week baby is really older than a 7-lb 40-week baby just because it's bigger, kwim?

    fraternal twin boys born january 2009
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  • I don't know if I saw the post in question. But it could just be from looking at the u/s. I know when they measure my twins, they measured a few days apart. So one would be measuring at Feb. 2 as an EDD and one at Feb. 3. My LMP shows my due date at Jan. 31, so I just go by that (b/c let's be honest, it'll probably be sooner than all 3 of those dates anyhow).

    I could see how that could be confusing.

  • imageMrsLee04:

    It's a measurement thing. The due date can be accurately determined by your last period, but if you don't know that, they look at the length of the baby. Some twins aren't near the same size--hence the difference in due date. Mine were two days apart on the first ultrasound.

    Pretty much every single twin (or multiple) is going to be a different size from each other, it doesn't mean they get a different EDD.  My twins were conceived on the exact same day, and we know that for a fact since it was IVF.  And my DD was always measuring ahead and was over 1 lb larger at birth.  But she was not "due" sooner than my son. 


    Oh, I definitely wasn't saying that they "actually" have different due dates. I was just explaining why they would come up with different due dates. I know that--unless one is born at 11:30p and the other comes after midnight--they're coming on the same day!

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