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So I feel I owe you something. ?I may have to think on this & get back to you. ?Or have you any requests for Christmas? ?Because at the rate things are going, I may have time then. ?LOL ?
Cell phone cozy?
You owe me nothing, your owl MADE Gracie's birthday. But I'm probably placing a Christmas order, epecially if you start making pandas.
You're evil you know that? ?LOL
I err, don't happen to already have a pattern for that or anything.. *cough* ?
I've discovered black yarn kinda sucks for these dolls though, I have to play some. ?And, you know, catch up first. ?
Re: Dandelionmom
Cell phone cozy?
You owe me nothing, your owl MADE Gracie's birthday. But I'm probably placing a Christmas order, epecially if you start making pandas.
You're evil you know that? ?LOL
I err, don't happen to already have a pattern for that or anything.. *cough* ?
I've discovered black yarn kinda sucks for these dolls though, I have to play some. ?And, you know, catch up first. ?