
don't touch the baby-sign

I know the sign was talked about the other day, but did this pic ever come up? I just saw it on the peopleofwalmart blog...


Don?t Touch The Baby


Just in case you had the urge?


Re: don't touch the baby-sign

  • This is cracking me up:

    "Yes, he?s cute. No, he?s not a Blarney stone"

  • OH! I never even thought to read the comments--- I'll have to go back and read those on the other pics too! :)

    LMAO! "Yes, he?s cute. No, he?s not a Blarney stone"

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  • I've never in my life even thought about touching someone else's baby nor have I ever had anyone try to touch mine nor have I ever see someone attempt to touch someone's baby.  Course look at the guy who slapped the 2 year old for crying.  Maybe it's just something to do with WalMart?  I have to admit I don't go there often so maybe that is why I don't see incidences of this.
  • I didn't read the article, but I had a similar sign for ds. It said, "Please wash your hands before touching mine!" and it hung from his carseat bar. He was a preemie and although most people sequester their preemie until spring, I decided to take mine out but not let any strangers touch him. He remained illness free the entire winter. They gave me the sign for free from the company that gave him his monthly RSV shots. I guess charging $5000 per month for the shot allowed them to give me a freebie? :)

    I also made a sign, framed it and hung it on our front porch that said "Please wash your hands upon entering". I was shocked at how many people didn't wash their hands without prompting before wanting to hold my 4 lb preemie in the middle of RSV/flu season.

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