Two Under 2

If you are registering for #2, what are you putting on

there? I was thinking new bottles, pacis, double stroller (if the fam wants to chip in for a gift), maybe new receiving blankets...anything else that you would perhaps to make life easier? thanks!!!

Re: If you are registering for #2, what are you putting on

  • Bottles, pacifiers, diapers (NB, 1 and 2 -- multiples of each), formula (MANY cans), toys, some clothes (different sex of baby).  Given that Target's 10% completion coupon is not limited to baby items, I also put on the registry:  detergent (lots of baby clothes), stain remover, lotion (for baby, DD and us), sunscreen, tylenol, motrin, gas drops, saline drops, aquaphor, vaseline, wipes, humidifier, storage bins, diapers for DD, clothes for DD, toys for DD (her upcoming b-day -- 10% is a lot when talking about a wagon!), any DVDs we wanted, books, and lots of beer (yes, beer -- white trash? Maybe.  Happy parents?  definitely.).  Of course, I didn't make the registry public so I could just buy it all afterwards.

    DD -- 5YO
    DS -- 3YO

  • imagePesky:
    Bottles, pacifiers, diapers (NB, 1 and 2 -- multiples of each), formula (MANY cans), toys, some clothes (different sex of baby).  Given that Target's 10% completion coupon is not limited to baby items, I also put on the registry:  detergent (lots of baby clothes), stain remover, lotion (for baby, DD and us), sunscreen, tylenol, motrin, gas drops, saline drops, aquaphor, vaseline, wipes, humidifier, storage bins, diapers for DD, clothes for DD, toys for DD (her upcoming b-day -- 10% is a lot when talking about a wagon!), any DVDs we wanted, books, and lots of beer (yes, beer -- white trash? Maybe.  Happy parents?  definitely.).  Of course, I didn't make the registry public so I could just buy it all afterwards.

    This made me laugh. Thanks for the advice. DH now wants to register for baby #2.

  • Loading the player...
  • I plan on registering to get completion coupons.  I planned to register for a video monitor, a new white noise machine, and bottles.  Now, I'm going to follow in the footsteps of the pp & register for a bunch of other stuff.
  • I guess I've never looked, but Target sells beer? I know they have wine but I don't recall ever seeing beer.
  • imageklmbride05:
    I guess I've never looked, but Target sells beer? I know they have wine but I don't recall ever seeing beer.

    Our Super Targets do.  They don't sell wine though due to stupid state laws or that would've been on the registry too.

    DD -- 5YO
    DS -- 3YO

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