Baby Names

How would you pronounce Alanna?

Uh-lannah (rhymes with Hannah)


Something else??

We like the name Alanna but I'm not sure the spelling is right for the pronunciation we want... we pronounce it


How would you spell that? DH has a coworker named Illona (ILL-LON-UH) so we don't want to use that spelling...  

Mom to J (10), L (4), and baby #3 arriving in July of 2015

Re: How would you pronounce Alanna?

  • Alonna/Alona

    But-- I would also prounce Alanna, the way you want it..

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  • I would ask, it could go either way.

    But my first instinct is to say Uh-LON-ah. 

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  • To me - Alanna rhymes with Hannah.

    Alana = Uh lon uh (like you want)

    But as pp mentioned - putting an o in there would work too. Or you could just pronounce it the way you wany.

  • Uh lon uh.
    S- March 09 E- Feb 12 L- May 15

  • Uh lon uh.  And Alanna is how one of my students spells it.  It's such a pretty name.
  • hmmm, I would actually say:  Al-ah-na

    DD february 2010 | DS october 2011

    *please excuse my typos, bumping from my iphone*
  • Uh-LON-uh

    This would be how I would pronounce it.

  • imageMrs. GEK:


    This would be how I would pronounce it.

    Me too.?

  • Ah-LON-uh
    Sadie is not impressed.
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    "This ribbon has been reported." - lovesnina
  • Had to laugh that you posted this as I posted a similar question for this name about a week or two ago.  It's definitely our first pick if it's a girl, although I'm not 100% sure I like Olivia and Alanna as sibs (might sound too rhymey).  Although, Livi and Lani would be cute as nns.

    That aside, I'm leaning toward the spelling you've chosen and want it pronounced the way you do.  I tend to think that people will say Alaina if we spell it Alana and definitely want it known as Alanna (Uh-LON-uh).  I do wonder too if it will be a royal PITA for the kid to correct everyone every time...decisions, decisions....

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  • SueandSteve--I posted this because I love Alanna pronounced Uh-LON-uh, but I work with an Alanna and she's Ah-LAN-uh (rhymes with hannah). I don't like the nasaly-sounding middle syllable. It's starting to make me think twice about the name.
    Mom to J (10), L (4), and baby #3 arriving in July of 2015
  • Well, my cousin is Alana (Ah-lan-uh) and I have a good friend named Alana (Ah-lon-uh). I've never seen it with 2 'n's. That looks strange to me. Most people pronounce my friends' name correctly. My cousin is constantly correcting people. Spell it Alana and there really isn't much of an issue. Alona looks ridiculous. 

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