WARNING...if you only want to read "Happy" HSG stories, back out of this post now!
Had my HSG this afternoon and I have to say I've really been dreading it. I just knew that there was something going on with my right tube. I was right. The minute that dye hit it I went through the roof. Doc. continued to try and get dye through it at least 3 more times...to say the least, it was rather unpleasant. But as many have said before, the pain is very temporary. I've always thought I have a fairly high pain tolerance, but this almost caused me to passout. I still have a little bit of cramping, but nothing even like a menstrual cramp. For my situation...4 Advil before hand was a complete joke...
So the right tube is closed for business. The left tube is flowing normally. Meet with the RE on 9/11 to discuss options. I'm 99% sure we'll be back on the original plan of lap. to remove the right tube for sure and I suspect he will want to take the left one as well...leaving IVF as the only option.
Ladies, I really feel like I took a beating today...thanks for listening.
Re: HSG...ouch!
I am so sorry you had so much pain...
Maybe they wont remove both tubes. I am holding out hopes. Sorry you had such a tough time
Panda, I am with you. I found the HSG to be really painful too. I wanted to jump off the table. The dr. who did my IUI yesterday was the same one who did my HSG. I referred to him as the evil HSG dr. and told him my uterus was trying to hide. (He has a good sense of humor).
I am curious why he would take the left tube too. Did he say?
Well, glad it is over. Good luck with your meeting w/ the RE.
Oh Panda, I thought the pain of the HSG was immense too and I didn't have blockage so I can only imagine what you felt!
I, too, didn't have an easy HSG. I'm sorry it was so painful and your tube is blocked. Hopefully, they will leave the left one for you.
I hope you feel better soon, I did about 24 hours later. Now it's just an unpleasant memory.
First off let me tell you that I am so pulling for you and your IUI!!! I'm pulling for all of us. I can't tell you al the joy I feel when one of us gets a BFP!!!
Since I don't have a history of any kind of injury or trauma to the area he has to go on the assumption that some type of inflamatory disease got up in there to do the damage that created the hydrosalpinx on the right side. He said that although a hydrosalpinx is not present in the left tube, infection does not typically just go up one side of the reproductive tract. In his experience the lining of the left tube is most likely damaged, but just didn't form a hydrosalpinx. Damaged tubes create fluid that leaks into the uterus and interfers with implantation and sustaining pregnancy.
I'm sorry you had a tough HSG too. It was kind of funny. The clinic where I go is part of a larger teaching hospital in the area. Typically, if it's OK with the patient, they have residents and students often help and watch the procedure. In addition to the doc. and X-ray tech there were 3 "young" girls in the room with me. God love them they were all scrambling to either side of me grabbing my hands to give me something to squeeze...there's got to be a better way...
I know that it will all be a distant memory once I get KU!!!
Panda -
I'm so sorry your HSG was so horrible!
I hope you're feeling better now. Keep us posted on what the RE says.
I see. That makes sense about the left tube. Glad you had the "young" girls in there helping you out!
Thanks for the good wishes! Yes, I can't wait to be KU and for all of this to be a distant memory.