
Stories of child abuse in the news...

Do these seem more rampant lately?  Or is it just that now I am paying more attention since I have children?  Either way, I am sickened to see this crap all of the time.  I just saw another one where dad shook the baby, he was on life support for 6 months, died, and now dad is in jail. 

I am sure it happens way more than we know, but regardless it is disgusting.

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Re: Stories of child abuse in the news...

  • It has been over a decade since I left being an investigator for my state. Sadly, abuse was just as bad then.  However there are surges when there are more reports filed.  This economy would cause a spike, ppl are stressed.  Holidays always cause spikes.  I always disliked working around the holidays because I was placing so many kids the last week in December.  It is very sad and I think I realize it more now that I have dd.
  • Increased unemployment/poverty is correlated with and increase in crime.  One of my friends husbands is a special investigator for CPS.  He does all child death (besides known natural causes)...we just had two really sad cases was a boy exactly N's age and he had the crap beaten of him (literally).  His dad is now in jail one murder charges.  I hope the general (prision) population gives him what his son got : ) I often hear more details that most (I work for an agency that also correlates with the crime rate...)

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