Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Moms of teeny tiny LOs: there is hope.

I now shave my legs every day and actually paint my fingernails once a week.  And I have flossed, like, THREE TIMES this week.  And sometimes after DS goes to bed (which is now around 8 p.m., and he sleeps until 6 a.m.), DH goes to bed early, too, and I have an HOUR to myself in a quiet house to do WHATEVER I want!

And it's the best thing in the world when I go get DS up in the morning and he just beams at me with his huge gummy smile.  And while I'm changing his diaper, he grabs at my chin and giggles when I make snorting piggy noises at him.   

Hang in there... It really does get better.  Lots and lots better.

Re: Moms of teeny tiny LOs: there is hope.

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