Well they can not make up their minds about what they want us to do so I have not posted a update. Tickets have be bought for DD and grandmother to travel Sunday Sept. 20 to Montreal from Vancover for the Visa interview on Sept 21. They will then travel on Sept 22 to TN and we will pick them up at the airport that afternoon. We are so excited and it will be on DH birthday.
We were all ready to go to the interview then they said not to come. I wanted to go because I could feel like I was doing something. We would have been veryyyyyyyy tired but that would have been OK. Now it is all up to someone else and I will problably be sick that whole week waiting for something to go wrong. I glad that we will have extra days with her instead of on the road because we were going to have to use about three days of or vacation time to go get her.
I was looking back at some old paperwork from when we started and we were doing our first homestudy this time last year. It has been a less traveled road for us than most but I would do it all over again tomorrow.
Re: DD is coming home update
Can I ask why they told you not to come?
I'm really happy for you and can't wiat for pictures- yes I'm a picture person lol
I am not sure. We received a copy of a letter stating that only one person is allowed in the interview other that DD. This is a state case and our SW in Canada just wants DD and grandmother to go and take all the documents. I do not think that they (Canada) want to pay for us to go which I was prepared to pay for myself. It is one big mess trying to get answers from anyone. I just want DD to come home. I am trying to play nice and do as they ask until this is done. We have some complaining to do after it is finalized. I have two huge notebooks of paperwork and e-mail.........
I can't figure out how to post pic on here but I do have some in my gallery you can look at. They are from May.