2nd Trimester

24 weeks and still haven't thought of names

Who else hasn't really given it serious thought yet?  My husband and I had a few names that we liked but we hardly ever talk about it.  Part of it may be that we're on team green and so we aren't thinking specifics yet.  I don't really feel rushed either--I most likely have 16 weeks left but I still think it's funny that we don't have a clue as to what this baby will be called.
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Re: 24 weeks and still haven't thought of names

  • We have had it down to 9 names for weeks now but have yet to sit down and choose one. We're not sharing the name, so it may be good to wait a while longer to save the difficulty of wanting to share/accidentally say it, but I definitely feel like we need to choose one soon. We only have 13 1/2 weeks left!
    Missed m/c at 11w 7/08 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Pregnancy Ticker
  • You totally have time left! I have thought about names, but that's just me, I'm eager that way. I agree though, there is no rush at this point. It'll come!
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  • We finally came up with one name Monday night. We haven't really talked about it because I feel like we still have so many months, but one popped into my head Monday that we both liked. So now we have 1 on our list.
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  • We have a list of names we like, but aren't feeling pressured to decide. We'll most likely wait until he's born and we can see what he looks like.
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  • We ahve a first name we like, but middle... thats still up in the air... nor do I see us deciding on a middle name any time soon...
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  • When my parents were expecting me they had a boys name,b ut no girls name. I was 2 weeks late and the morning I was delivered, my mom wrote out a list of girls names she liked and gave it to my dad. He scratched out everyone and Kristina was the last one on the list... and here I am...

    You have plenty of time left. Realistically, you should have one before you leave the hospital, so relax! 

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  • We have 7 names after going through about a million and us each writing out lists and teice combining them and crossing names off. DH's job now is to rank the 7 names and we have another discussion. I think it will be down to 5 or so by next week, but I am really worried about narrowing it down from there.


    I have one name that I love, but Dh is not 100% so we are going with the list and ranking.

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • Eh, you have time.  Some people need to see their baby in order to make that decision.  

    Anecdote: My younger sister was born via emergency c-section and she and my mom both had issues that kept them in the hospital for 9 days.  On the 9th day, one of the nurses came in to mom's room (yet again) with the forms for the birth certificate and told my mom, "Mrs. S, you really must name your baby before we discharge you both."  She and my Dad looked at each other, threw out a name, agreed and that was that.  She has a beautiful name (Corine Elizabeth) and a very interesting story. 

    You'll figure it out!

    the boymom is expecting a girl!
    big brothers 12.2009 and 02.2012
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  • i was never planning to have a name this early. I was thinking i'll probably start looking at like 30 weeks lol. Then by fate a name literally came to me and we instantly had a name. So now we have our name picked out
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  • Um, yeah. I'm 28/29 weeks (I can't ever remember) and we haven't decided, nor do we even have a list. DH doesn't really want to do talk about it yet and I figure worst case scenario is baby pops out and I pick a name and he agrees in his awe at baby.
    Lilypie Breastfeeding tickers
  • I just got a book so that Dh could use it to brainstorm...otherwise we don't have any name yet either. Except the one that I love...and he hates so it is vetoed.

    I guess part of me feels like when she is born we will just know the right thing to name her.

    ~Kati~ Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • We have no real girl names in mind and to be honest we don't really discuss it. I'm not to worried about it. This child will get a name one way or another. I think we're hoping we'll hear a name and fall in love with it.
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  • We have a girl name but don't agree at all on boy names. I was hoping that after our big u/s we'd know the sex and be able to figure it out, but our baby was very shy and wouldn't let us see. So still no name. We're going for a 3D u/s on Friday. Hopefully we'll have better luck this time. If it's a boy, I'm going to get a book and start going through it with my husband.
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