
Wondering if you girls have seen these re: hand washing and the flu...

I know how horrible the common cold or the flu can affect little ones and especially preemies, so when I found these the other day, I thought I post them here.

They are My Tiny Hands "Please Wash" signs:

Here's my post about them on 0-6...

Re: Wondering if you girls have seen these re: hand washing and the flu...

  • I got a couple b/c of the synagis shot...It is still no his car seat and he is going to be one on saturday... Thank you for the website alot of moms ask where I got it...
  • I Posted a couple days ago that you can get this free from Synagis by going to their website and signing up to receive information.  I can't wait for mine to come!  I'll admit I signed my sister up too so she can get an extra one for me - though also because I want her to be informed about Carter's possible issues due to prematurity (she gets it..but doesn't take it as seriously as I do)
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  • Our NICU had these and I took one home with me,  it will be going back on his car seat during flu season.
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