Anyone have any suggestions for an inexpensive gift for a 1st bday? Max is turning one Sunday and my sister is asking what to get him. We have everything from when Sam was that age and I am at a loss to think of anything new. She is low on money, so I'm trying to keep it between $10-15 or so.
And I still need to get him something. I have some ideas, but I'm curious if there is anything else out there that is a must have or great toy.
Re: 1st birthday gift ideas?
bigger size puzzles (the ones with the big tabs on them, that they can grab onto).
books are always popular here too
Board books! DS has gotten all of DD's hand me downs and they are getting beat up, so that is one thing I am mentioning when people ask.
I got DS a Stephen Joseph backpack. They just come in handy and I didn't want to get him a toy!
This looks fun:
I love anything M&D! Happy bday MAX!
Ethan {1.11.10} & Malia {12.28.06}
Chubby crayons, finger paints, books. I saw a really cute Circo tool bench at Target the other day that we'll probably get for AJ for his birthday or Christmas.
We got Law an Anywhere Chair when he turned one and made him a photo book.