
No - she doesn't - and quit asking!

DD turned one last month. Of course, what's the question everyone asks?  Is she walking?

I had a co-irker ask me this today. I said no, not yet, and she replied to me, "well, you are holding her too much. You know, you really need to force her to walk." Then she proceeded to tell me ways I could get her to walk, and that her son started walking at 9 months and was PT'd at 15 months.  Seriously? Is it any of your business? DD is just fine TYVM and I don't need you to tell me what I need to do with her.  And NO I DON'T hold her too much.

Oh yea, and your son is 25, so I am thinking you could be way off in your recollection of his first steps and PT.

Just bugs, you know?


Re: No - she doesn't - and quit asking!

  • You can't "make" a child learn to walk.  The lady is full of it.  Ugh...people like that bug me too.

    FWIW, I held my son entirely too much as a baby.  :) He was just too snuggly to put down.  He is totally fine development-wise (and barely ever lets me hold him anymore) :(

  • Wow, some people just don't know when to mind their own business.  Your child will walk when she is ready to walk.  Just ignore her.

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  • lol i know people who said that kind of stuff to me too and i know their adult children whom were such gifted walkers and pee/poopers at 15 months AND i have to bite my lip and keep from saying well what the hell happened to them??
    Patty Matt 4/7/05 and Sean 12/14/06 image
  • oh yeah, I got those looks and such with Taylor, my couch potato.  She didn't walk until she was 16 months old.  She had no interest in it...she just didn't...and believe me, I didn't carry her around much at all...I was hugely pregnant and she was a chunky monkey.
  • My DD had only been CRAWLING for two days by her first birthday!! And, she didnt walk until 17 months. And she's totally normal.

    Next time someone asks if she's walking just say "No, thank goodness! I'm not ready for that milestone yet!"

    And yeah, a lot of nosey nellies have fuzzy memories of their own incredibly advanced children. 

  • Why don't you tell her that normal development for walking is not 12 months it is 12-16 months so your dd has 4 months to work on it!

    That is coming from a pediatric OT that does evaluations for EI for a living;)

  • I feel you.  Kate didn't walk until 18 months, so I got plenty of that.  She's totally fine. I almost killed one lady in Stride Rite.  I took Kate around 15 months to get her first pair of real shoes, and I was so excited, taking pictures, talking about how she was a big girl, etc.  This dumb lady was all, "What's wrong with her?  She doesn't walk?  My son walked at 11 months.  Why don't you get her a push toy?"  and totally ruined my moment with DD.  I totally snapped at her, "Oh!  A push toy!  How novel!  I NEVER thought of that.  Clearly my daughter isn't walking because I failed to get her a push toy." 

  • Strange- many kids aren't walking at that age. My first was walking at 10 months, the second at 16.5 months. 

    I have more than one friend whose dc didn't walk until after 18 months... 

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