

I apologize as I know this has surely been asked in the past...but....

What does a BH feel like vs. a "real" contraction??? I keep thinking I have had BHs and then as I am reading the sheet my peri gave me on early contractions, I am confused?! 

I just don't want to be dismissing them if they are something more (they aren't frequent but seem to occur in the night hours vs. day). No "pain" with these type--so I thought that was BH but then this darn sheet says that "contractions can often be painless"?????


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Re: Clarification?

  • If your ute. gets ROCK HARD, it's probably a BH.  My "real" contractions felt like AF cramps.
  • As pp mentioned BH make your stomach rock hard- I know when I was in my early 30 weeks I was getting quite a few within the hour, as this is my first pregnancy I was a bit concerned and my mother encouraged me to go to the L&D to get checked, as I didn't know how BH felt- so I went to the hospital to be monitored, if you're really worried and want peace of mind it might be a good idea to get checked.  I hate going in the hospital, but after going and being told it was nothing more than BH it put my mind at ease :)
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  • Thanks. I go for my 30 wk appt. on Thurs. so I am hoping I can just ask then about how to clarify and what I've been experiencing to date. I am thinking I have BH but that sheet I have made me over-analyze and so I thought I'd ask others about their experiences,too. I agree though if I feel that they aren't BH, I will for sure go in to be on the safe side!
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  • My OB explained to me that with BH, my belly would not be completly hard, that some areas would be soft. My real contractions felt like horrible AF cramps and would wrap from my back to the front down low and then come up the front of the belly. And always if there was more than 4 in an hour, to call.
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