We gave this as a gift and it got some good reviews from the little user! https://tinyurl.com/mrn7sg is the link but it's the Parents Kitty Keyboard from Target if the clicky does not work.
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My LO absolutely loves this toy!! She can sit in front of it forever just staring at herself and pushing the buttons and watching the lights. She adores it!
My LO absolutely loves this toy!! She can sit in front of it forever just staring at herself and pushing the buttons and watching the lights. She adores it!
DD is definitely going to get this for her birthday. I am also interested in the Fisher Price Grand Piano:
Re: Toy Search
My LO absolutely loves this toy!! She can sit in front of it forever just staring at herself and pushing the buttons and watching the lights. She adores it!
DD is definitely going to get this for her birthday. I am also interested in the Fisher Price Grand Piano:
In terms of actual experience with a toy, we just started playing with the Leap Frog Learn & Groove Table tonight and it was a big hit: https://www.amazon.com/LeapFrog®-Learn-Groove-Musical-Table/dp/B000ETRENI/ref=pd_sim_t_5