2nd Trimester


So we finally got up the motivation to start on the nursery. We're turning our "catch-all" room into the nursery. It's been serving as our walk in closet, office, pet snake room, and... everything else room thus far. lol!

Anywho, so... the first step is cleaning it out and finding other places for everything to go. So we started by downsizing our wardrobes. I brought home some boxes from work and boxed up everything that I cannot currently wear but will hopefully be back into after baby is born. My wardrobe has never been very big or varied, but now it has been downsized to about 1/4 of its original size. It's actually quite depressing to see so few clothing options, especially when you look over at FI's clothes and see volumes in comparison.

Anywho, now that I'm starting a new semester of college (with several online classes), it is important that we keep an office of sorts (at least a desk). I currently am just using our bed as my work surface and our floor as my storage. lol! I hate the unorganization!

I know they say that most projects look worse before they look better, but I swear, I look at the future nursery room and I just don't even want to keep going. It looks like so much!

But I must press on!


*okay, enough of the drama*

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