right now I'm lying in a hospital bed hooked up to a fetal heart monitor and a contraction monitor...how did I end up here?!? I got punched in the stomach by one of the autistic students I teach....not her fault - but still frustrating! LO is doing ok so far - it took hours for me to feel him move - which totally freaked me out - but finally an u/s proved he was moving & looking good....about the most stressful day of this pregnancy so far. I hope the next time I'm in labor & delivery it's for the real thing!
Re: Not my best day!!!
Oh goodness, I'm so glad you and LO are doing okay.
I work with children who should be labeled ED, and while definitely not the same as autism, I'm very fearful of starting the school year for the fact that I may get caught in the line of fire at some point. Good luck for the rest of your stay there.
Chemical Pregnancy 10/5/10
BFP 2/7/11--m/c 2/12/11
TTD pics taken by knottie jen&louie
thank you ladies - the care you send to total strangers is so amazing....
I have had a few contracting and a tiny bit of spotting - hence the overnight stay...just waiting for the morning....probably won't sleep.
Oh wow!!! Hope things are ok!! Get off of this computer and get some rest momma!
Praying for you.