2nd Trimester

Poll: Are 2nd showers common in your area?

This isn't a question on if you're getting a 2nd/3rd shower, but is it common in your area to have a shower/sprinkle after your first baby?

Re: Poll: Are 2nd showers common in your area?

  • it's rare up here unless your kids are spaced way apart. My family had one for my mom when she had my little sis, which was 8 years after me. Sometimes i'll hear about a small group of friends getting together to do a mini shower for a close friend but not a full on shower. 
  • They're not common here unless it's been around 5+ years since your last baby.  While I do wish that you had a shower for every baby (just because they're fun, not even for presents), I do feel, and it is thought of here to be very tacky.  I know DH's aunt is about 3 hours south and she doesn't understand this at all, there they have a shower for every baby.
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  • Nope they are considered tacky and greedy here.
    Audrey- December 2009
    Owen- April 2011
    Olivia- Due December 24th
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