
Locked DS in the car this weekend.

It was by far the worst 30 mins of my life!  I always let DS put the key in the ignition.  I guess when he did that he hit the lock button.  I put him in his car seat and shut the door.  DH went to open the door and sure enough the doors were all locked.  My spare was in my purse which was in the car.  DS was okay at first but towards the end he was crying and begging me to get him out.  Thank goodness it was an unusally cool morning and we were in our garage so the car didn't get hot and DS had turned the key enough to have air blowing even if it wasn't cold air.  I didn't think that pop a lock was ever going to get there.  I was in tears and was just about to tell DH to break the window when the guy got there.  I was never so relieved!  Poor DS wouldn't get in his car seat in my car for the rest of the weekend!  I will never leave my spare in my purse again!
Liam is 5!
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Re: Locked DS in the car this weekend.

  • Oh my goodness!  That must have been traumatic for everyone and 30 minutes must have felt like 6 hours.  So glad that you were in the garage too.

    I worry that this will happen all the time because I know my ds will flip out and therefore it will be 100 times worse.

  • Oh, honey!  That sucks.  I would've been crying and freaking out right there with you if it were me.  Logan locked himself in the bathroom once and managed to get into shampoo (and get it in his eyes)...he was screaming and I couldn't get to him and it was THE most awful 10 minutes of my life.  (my dad crawled through the window to save him).  It's so horrible seeing your baby scared and not being able to help him!  I'm glad he's okay.  (((hugs)))

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