Are you going to buy Christmas gifts for LO? I feel bad not, but honestly, I would be the one wrapping and then opening them, so what's the point? And are you planning on doing things like baking cookies this year? Is it unrealistic to think that I will be able to get some baking done with a 2 week old in the house?
Proud Mama to Mickey (12.03.09) and Nemo (06.06.13)
Re: S/O Jingle Bellies Check In
I am not putting up a tree this year and didn't last year. Too much trouble with a toddler and we will do Christmas morning at my parent's house. I will be doing very little shopping. DS1 and DS2 will get plenty from Grandparents and Aunts and Uncles without me having to put too much work into it. DS1 won't know what is from who anyway and DS2 will just be a few days old.
I might do cookies with DS1.
We are buying gifts for baby, but more for DD's benefit since she believes in Santa. I don't want her to think Santa forgot her baby brother or sister! I bought a little wooden rattle and am making a quilt. I've asked family members to only buy wipes/diapers for baby if they insist on buying something. So there will be a few, small things under the tree.
I don't think it's unreasonable to do a little baking, but I know, personally, I wouldn't have the motivation to do it. I'd rather sleep.
(m/c 1.17.07, m/c 5.15.07)
DS - 03.15.08
DD2 - 12.03.09
DD3 - 3.28.11
Good question!!
I have a feeling I will be doing so much shopping for baby after my shower (things I didn't get) that I could very easily wrap something up and put it under the tree. If baby is really late and isn't here on Christmas Day then I'll just unwrap and put in the nursery, ha ha.
DH and I have discussed a few times about how much decorating we'll be doing. I don't think much. Maybe we'll just get a tree and keep it simple...just not sure. Have to see how I feel. And I am counting on my Mom cooking Christmas dinner this year, there is no way I'll commit to doing that no matter what! I couldn't imagine having to breastfeed right when everything is supposed to be ready and on the table for a meal!! Yikes.
I might do some meal prep beforehand though.
Honestly, becasue of the baby this will be our first Christmas at home by ourselves since 2005. Every year since we've driven down to New Olreans to spend time with family. This year I can't imagine taking the 5 1/2 hour drive with a 3 - 4 week old. We'll be doing cookies and birthday cake for baby Jesus because no matter how tierd I am if we don't DD will be dissapointed. I'll also get the baby a toy or two for under the tree becasue of DD. For DD's first Christmas she was right around three months old. We got her two things. A holiday Barbie and a small toy for her stocking. Just so she had something.
I think we'll get her a few little things. We will have my SD for Christmas this year and she will unwrap them and think that it is so cool. I will also be able to get some good pictures! If she was with her mom this year we probaby wouldn't though...