I know this has been a big thing on here, so I wanted to tell you what I saw the other day.
I was driving behind this lady, and in her sideview mirror, I could see her eyes focused down, only looking up at the road occasionally. It was a four lane road, so I passed her and saw her with her phone open to the keypad (think something similar to the LG env), both hands typing away, still hardly looking at the road, and using her knees to steer the car. Seriously? How is that safe driving?
I will admit that I used to text while driving. Haven't in some time. We have a house rule of no texting-or using other applications since DH has a blackberry with about a million apps-while driving.
Re: Texting and Driving
Wow - that is so ridiculous. I have never texted while driving. I have spoken (although briefly) while driving and used my phone's GPS... but that is about it.
How can you type while drive.... that does not make any sense to me. Crazy.
I don't have any issue with texting at a stoplight!!!
I have the LG Voyager (Which has the internal keypad like you described)
A person needs 2 hands to navigate that keypad- there's no way one should do that while driving!! I will admit when I had my old flip phone in high school I would text and drive but I could do that without looking at my phone. hence how I got away with it during school.
I won't talk on my cell phone while driving unless I put it on speaker phone and set it in my lap. we are trying to get a law passed up here that states texting while driving to be a huge fine though not to many people are hip on the idea of not using cell phones while driving...
When in h/school I admit I was very carefree but add a kid into the mix (being pregnant or already toddler/baby in the backseat) your perspective changes. I won't put any unnecessary riskk into my driving (Even if I am alone) tjhat will take me away from my boys- or them away from me. it's not worth it.
My friend admits to texting and using his knees to drive! It's crazy...you're not only endangering yourself, but other drivers.
That being said - if it's important, I'll text at a red light
But that's the most I'll do. I don't talk and drive either unless through the bluetooth in my car. I trust myself driving with one hand, but I like to have both hands so I can react faster/better if I have to quickly swerve.
I can't text to save my life while sitting on a chair much less while driving. There should be a zero tolerance policy for texting - do it once, get caught, lose your license.
ETA: It's interesting to read that some of you plan to stop texting when YOU have a little one in the car. What about the drivers that already DO have children in the car, whocould be injured by someone texting while driving? Same thing, no?
I'm sorry to be so b!tchy about it - maybe it's because I don't text at all and don't see what could possibly be so important
I am a runner, knitter, scientist, DE-IVF veteran, and stage III colon cancer survivor.
I'd seen that this was out, but hadn't watch until now. I'm at work and trying not to cry. Especially when I saw the baby was dead. That is one of many reasons DH and I don't have any texting on our plan. We can't receive, we can't send. My sister texts while she drives (or at least used to). It would be nice for there to be some kind of malfunctioner thing on cars to shut it off immediately.
They recently passed a law here in Illinois that will make texting illegal starting January first. We have a cop friend, and he said he has no idea how they will be able to enforce it because there are privacy issues that would go with looking at their texts to see the timing. On top of that, most phones now (like my LG env2) instantly erases texts, even when there are hundreds in there. You could hit erase all and the cop wouldn't know a thing.
ETA: It's interesting to read that some of you plan to stop texting when YOU have a little one in the car. What about the drivers that already DO have children in the car, whocould be injured by someone texting while driving? Same thing, no?
I completely agree with this. It pisses me off when I am driving with my son and see people paying no attention to the road, for whatever reason.
that makes it sooo frustrating- i mean people just need to accept the law- it's there for a reason- for safety. plus don't you find it a little ironic that people who talk on their phones/text while driving freak out on other people doing the SAME THING if they drive stupid but don't make the connection that...hmmm- Im one of those people. I tease my sister all the time.
disagree. I know it's for a good cause but i think thats a little harsh!
How do you feel about that policy for DUI? Given that texting while driving is AS DANGEROUS as driving while drunk - shouldn't the penalties be the same?
I am a runner, knitter, scientist, DE-IVF veteran, and stage III colon cancer survivor.
Not trying to be bitchy, but for the one's that only text while at a stop light.... Your children will pick that habit up and they won't pick up "only do it at a red light".
Also, we agree texting while driving is a distraction. It's still a distraction at a stop light. I'm picturing the driver getting re-ended because he/she didn't notice the light turned green.
Just trying to add to the debate....
But, don't people usually honk first if someone in front of them is still stopped at the green light? That's what I do... honk... a lot... I tend not to drive forward when the person in front of me is not moving.
I think I love you-
I totally understand this! I haven't ever had a ticket or been in an accident either. I did get pulled over once in Indiana, going a little under the speed limit because it was raining hard, and they told me to slow down because they care about their people in Indiana. I wanted to say, then why pull me over when I'm going under the speed limit, and your Indiana drivers are all flying past me?? I'm still convinced it was because I had a Michigan plate on my car! Anyway, that is my only experience with being pulled over. I texted when I had my razr because I knew were the keys were, but I suppose that didn't make it a lot better. With my env2, I need both hands for the keyboard, so I just don't. My DH is the SAME way! He has had two or three tickets since I've known him, he rear-ended someone last winter (although in his defense, he was checking his blind-spot and when he looked back up the person who was far enough ahead had hit their brakes), and he also swerves when he's messing with his phone or his sunflower seeds or something...but like you said, I'm a female so apparently my better driving record means squat to him!
Regardless of how easy it was/is to text with certain models, and regardless of the fact that one has a clean driving record, that texting while driving is dangerous has been proven over and over again - therefore the law should be that it is illegal- period - end of discussion.
You would NEVER hear someone say "I used to drive drunk but I was really good at it so it was OK." All it takes is one time for you to make a mistake and injur yourself or someone else. That is what laws are based on.
I am a runner, knitter, scientist, DE-IVF veteran, and stage III colon cancer survivor.
LOL I've heard quite a few people say that, actually, but you're correct it doesn't make it right. Hence why I said I don't text with my touch screen phone. I value my life and my vehicle way too much to even risk a small fender bender. I'm the sort that loses it over a shopping cart bumping the side
That's why I said I DID text with my old model, but that didn't make it ok.
I think it should be illegal. It's ridiculously distracting.
Knock it off, ladies that do it. You are not as alert as you think you are. You may not be as bad as some, but it still impacts your driving abilities.
Not always. I got rearended once so hard by a lady that she sent me nearly halfway through the intersection at a red light.
The worst part? It screwed up my back terribly because I saw the red light. I couldn't go anywhere. I saw her coming. I'm watching the red light and her, because you could see she was coming way to fast. She didn't even hit the brakes- she just slammed right into me. We're both just lucky that it was a lull in traffic- because otherwise we both would have gotten hit by the traffic going the other way, which was STILL green.
holy shiit-
I would have been soooo pissed at this lady.
dxmn!!! what kind of car were you driving for her to push you that far? I would have been insanely piissed.
I can't agree with any of this illegal texting/talking on the cell phone while driving. How arbitrary is the illegal cell phone usage? C'mon, like spilling your mocha, or eating your hamburger, or reading a map, or shaving or putting on lipstick isn't just as distracting. It's all the same thing, and they can't possibly make it illegal to eat or drink while driving.
There's been absolutely no decrease in traffic accidents in CA since the cell phone law started 7/1/08 and the text message law that started 1/1/09. But, there has been plenty of revenue generated off of the tickets.
I completely agree that texting/talking on the phone are both major road hazards. Unfortunately, making it illegal won't really do much to stop it as an immediate measure. People can get away with it too easily.
In my opinion, a lot of money should be spent educating people about the hazards in addition to tougher regulations. Just because something is illegal, doesn't mean people automatically think it applies to them. They may think they are "really good at it" and that it only applies to people who aren't.
Work places need to enforce tougher regulations in industries that expect immediate response/replies, whether it be by email or phone. Emerging driving populations need to be taught that it is incredibly dangerous. Everyone else needs to be re-taught how to focus on the road.
Just my two cents...
You girls are going to kill yourselves or someone else someday...
There has been no reduction in traffic accidents because people are still doing it. Hence the tickets. I bet if those drivers lost their license, other drivers would listen and stop doing it. Driving with distracted is a punishable offense, so reading a map or shaving etc are definitely not OK either. But to think that any of those activities occur with as much regularity and with as much frequency is misguided.
Texting While Driving Dramatically Increases Risk of Accident
A study conducted by the Virginia Tech Transportation Institute found that texting while driving is more dangerous than previously thought. According to the study, texting while driving increases the risk of a car accident 23 times greater than not texting.
It was thought that talking while driving and texting while driving posed a similar risk, but study establishes that is not the case.
The study also revealed that just before crashing, drivers spent nearly five seconds distracted from the road by their cell phones, which, at 55 mph, is enough time to cover the distance of a football field. The study concludes that texting while driving should be banned in all states. California currently has such a ban.
I'm actually stunned that there are posters here that think the laws are too tough - we're talking about a 5000 pound weapon traveling at 60 miles per hour, and you think that your right to make a send a lousy text message should take priority over NOT getting into an accident? I'm appalled.
I am a runner, knitter, scientist, DE-IVF veteran, and stage III colon cancer survivor.