2nd Trimester


I know this will sounds crazy, but I had my last u/s at 16 weeks and everything was fine and I dont have my next appt until this Friday...well, I really dont have a "bump" yet and havent felt the baby at all, so now I am getting paranoid about the baby "still being there".  I know this sounds silly and my husband keeps telling me I am crazy, but does anyone else get these paranoid feelings if they havent felt anything else?  I know on Friday all my fears will be put to rest, but until then...

Re: paranoid??

  • That is so completely normal. Don't stress out about it. There are girls on here that didn't feel movement til 22weeks and my friend is 25 weeks and just now getting a bump. Everyone is different.
  • I am the same way, can't wait for kicks and a bump for the same reason. 

    Too bad we can't have an at home ultrasound machine! 

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  • I felt like this between my week 14 and week 18 dr. appointments but then my belly kinda blew out and got a bit hard and now i'm feeling the little taps every now and again.

    I think it's perfectly normal to feel this way. That is why I LOVE going to the dr. appt and hearing the heartbeat to just make sure :)

  • I feel the same way.  I have an appt. this afternoon and I'm freaked out there won't be a heartbeat anymore.  It feels like forever since my last appointment when we heard it and I haven't started feeling movement yet (that I know of).  I think it's pretty normal to feel this way.  It's hard when you can't see in there to know everything is okay.  I'm sure everything is fine though.  :) 
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  • I totally feel that way.  Didn't even really believe I was pregnant till I saw the ultra sound. Then heard the heart beat... but I haven't felt any movment so I always worry somethings wrong
  • I feel the same exact way!! I have my days where I feel so good, and then days when I am a worry-wart! Twice this weekend I have had nightmares about pregnancy, one where some highschool friends (that I don't even think are pregnant) had miscarriages. Then, last night I dreamt that the nurse said...'oh - there is NO movment, this isn't good...sorry!!' I have an appointment tonight, and I am SO nervous. I have a bit of a bump, and I thought I felt movement (but it also could be psychological) -- but I am STILL freaking out.
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  • I'm the same way too! Sometimes I wish I had an u/s machne in my house...
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