I know this will sounds crazy, but I had my last u/s at 16 weeks and everything was fine and I dont have my next appt until this Friday...well, I really dont have a "bump" yet and havent felt the baby at all, so now I am getting paranoid about the baby "still being there". I know this sounds silly and my husband keeps telling me I am crazy, but does anyone else get these paranoid feelings if they havent felt anything else? I know on Friday all my fears will be put to rest, but until then...
Re: paranoid??
I am the same way, can't wait for kicks and a bump for the same reason.
Too bad we can't have an at home ultrasound machine!
I felt like this between my week 14 and week 18 dr. appointments but then my belly kinda blew out and got a bit hard and now i'm feeling the little taps every now and again.

I think it's perfectly normal to feel this way. That is why I LOVE going to the dr. appt and hearing the heartbeat to just make sure
DD1: allergic to eggs & dairy
c/p 4/1/11
DD2: milk and soy protein intolerant, allergic to eggs, soy, peanuts, tree nuts, sesame, bananas
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