2nd Trimester

How many pediatricians did you meet with?

Before you chose the one you liked?  I'm meeting with my first ped. option today, and have another one tomorrow. But I was just curious how many did you meet with until you knew you found "the one".

 Also, I've been doing a ton of research, so I pretty much have bunch of questions to ask, but is there anything you asked that isn't really a "Normal" question that you felt really helped?  TIA ladies!  :o)

If the sun refused to shine, I would still be loving you. When mountains crumble to the sea, there will still be you and me. - Led Zeppelin
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Re: How many pediatricians did you meet with?

  • We're using the same pediatrician I went to when I was a kid (I'm 24 and thrilled my childhood doctor is still practicing!).

    However, someone had forwarded me a list of questions to ask pediatricians and I'm not sure if I still have it, but one question that I remember that "stood out" for me was:
    "What is the turnover rate of your employees?" (I guess depending on if it's a smaller practice)

    I thought it was a good question because 1) I'm sure you'll like going somewhere and seeing the same nurses that remember you and your child - more personal care....and 2) if there is a high turnover rate, you need to ask why so many people quit/fired. GL!

  • LO will be going to the same family practice doctor that DH and I see. We belong to a healthcare co-op so you kinda have to choose a doc that has opening for new patients and is within the co-op. Luckily, DH and I love our family practice doc and she is accepting new patients so we didnt have to make any decisions.
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  • I only have one that I'm really looking at, but if she doesn't work, I guess there are a couple others that I can look at too. When do people usually meet with peds? I'm 24 weeks, should I start meeting with them soon?
  • Zero.  We just chose one close to our house.  He was smart, but his staffy was terrible and he had terrible bedside manner.  We switched to one highly recommended, but didn't interview him either.  We've been very happy with our new pedi.  The old one didn't really let you ask questions, would just talk through you, and talk down to you.
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