Before you chose the one you liked? I'm meeting with my first ped. option today, and have another one tomorrow. But I was just curious how many did you meet with until you knew you found "the one".
Also, I've been doing a ton of research, so I pretty much have bunch of questions to ask, but is there anything you asked that isn't really a "Normal" question that you felt really helped? TIA ladies! )
Re: How many pediatricians did you meet with?
We're using the same pediatrician I went to when I was a kid (I'm 24 and thrilled my childhood doctor is still practicing!).
However, someone had forwarded me a list of questions to ask pediatricians and I'm not sure if I still have it, but one question that I remember that "stood out" for me was:
"What is the turnover rate of your employees?" (I guess depending on if it's a smaller practice)
I thought it was a good question because 1) I'm sure you'll like going somewhere and seeing the same nurses that remember you and your child - more personal care....and 2) if there is a high turnover rate, you need to ask why so many people quit/fired. GL!