2nd Trimester


Hello Ladies.

Just wanted to let you know that if you are planning on using day care when your LO gets here. Go ahead  visit and get your name on a list. Cause it can take several months sometimes to get in, at least in my area anyway.  Big Smile

Re: Daycare

  • My area too -- at least for the reputable places. I am a SAHM, and I did in-home care for about 6 months for a little girl whose parents put her on a waiting list when she was born. After 6 months, they took her 1 day, after 8 months, 2 days, etc. She is a year and finally doing day care 4 days per week.  It's one of the better places in the area, though. The huge generic centers have a much shorter list.
  • Same here.  We have a waiting list of up till May of 2010!
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  • Ugh- I am dreading looking at daycares but I know I need to. We don't need it until April 1 so I am hopeful we aren't too late. Better call this week...
  • I called one on Friday that won't have any opening til June 2010!  Those babies haven't even been conceived yet!

    Ethan Michael - 12/21/09
    Norah Jewel - 2/26/14

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