2nd Trimester

Decaf Sux!!!

I don't care what you say, but it just does NOT taste the same!!!! I think I'm gonna have to stick with my hot apple ciders if I can't have my caffine. The DH flips out over the idea of me drinking my normal coffee and tea, so I try to do decaf, but it's just not the same. Frankly, it's just not worth arguing over. Apple Cider it is!
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Re: Decaf Sux!!!

  • I added caffeine back in after 1st tri in moderation. No coffee but I'll have a coke or sometimes even two in a day.
  • Oh man...now all I can think about is hot apple cider.  I might have to take a trip to the store today.  YUMMY!

    I do allow myself 1-2 caffinated beverages a day.  (That way better than the pot of coffee and several colas that I used to drink each day.)  I can deal with decaf the rest of the day, knowing that I get a cup of real coffee in the morning. 

    Bianca image.
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  • Doesn't hot apple cider sound good???? I can't wait for apple season so that i can juice my own apples and make cider...
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  • I hear ya!  I find that decaf iced coffee taste fine.  Can't tell the difference there, but I def. can tell the difference with hot coffee.  I think I'll just drink iced coffee throughout the fall and winter! lol
  • i switched to decaf when I found out I was pregnant. It took a while to get used to it but now, I don't even miss the caffeine.  I get mine at Trader Joe's. 
  • I almost bought some decaf at trader joes and was wondering how it tasted. I just hate to buy something and then not like it.

    The DH has been soooooo protective over what I eat and drink. We've had spotting issues and such, so I think he's just trying to play everything by the book. Plus, he was never a coffee drinker.

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  • You are RIGHT - decaf does suck! I have been dying to have Dr. Pepper or Sweet Tea (I am originally from the south). I tried to make sweet tea with decaf tea, but it leaves this weird aftertaste. For now, all I am drinking is water, ginger ale & sprite.
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