I currently have the Graco Duo Glider and I am kinda thinking that I might need a new stroller. It has been great so far but 1) It seems like the front seat isn't very comfortable and isn't very easy to fall asleep in 2) plus, they will grow out of it fairly soon....right? Any other reasons why I need a new one? also reccommend your all-terrain or jogging stoller? Also, why do you like it?
Re: Recommend your all-terrain or jogging stroller?
I have the Graco Duo Glider too, it's great for shopping, but not so much for outside.
So we bought the Valco Tri-Mode Twin. It handles like a dream! It also fits through single door ways, which the BOB and some of the others do not, from what I've heard, since they are wider. The Valco also works for infants/newborns, because the seats layback and they have the head cushion thing and harnesses. So we figured we would get an extra summer of use out of it, since most of the others do not lay back and you also cannot put 2 carseats in them.
I have a Phil and Ted's Sport and I really like it: https://www.philandteds.com/sport_index.htm
It was a gift from some friends who are super-outdoorsy, have 3 kids, and love theirs, so it has really been tested. I like that it's width of a tandem, but not the length and it steers like a dream. It handles rough pavement and grass great. It also has the flexiblity to be a single stroller so if you only have one child for an outing or have singleton later, it can still be used. We're already using it for walks and such now, but I'm sure it will really be my go-to stroller once DDs outgrow the DSNG for stores and such. You can also get a bunch of different accessories for it.
It does have some negatives though--the doubles seat really doesn't recline (although that hasn't seemed to bother my DDs), and the main seat only had 4 position choices. Also, the doubles seat really doesn't have a sunshade, but the main seat does a decent job of shading it some.
Overall, I think it's a great stroller though and can't wait to use it more.
***Twin fraternal girls born at 35w6d in 12/2008***
I LOVE our Valco Trimode Twin - everything the other post said and more - it's great. I have the toddler seat with it for my DS1 and it makes it so easy to have all 3 out together.
I also have a Phil & Teds with doubles seat -but have not used it for the twins yet (i got it when we had DS1 thinking we'd have a 2nd child soon, but we had 2nd and 3rd! and you can't use with 2 infants b/c both seats don't recline). It's a great option if you want to use it shopping and other areas that are tight spaces b/c it's in the footprint of a single. Storage is limited, but you give that up to have a smaller double in-line stroller.