
Hi again! It's been awhile...

Hi Ladies, it's been awhile since I've been on the board. I've been busily getting everything together for the homestudy and our profiles, etc.  You all know how it is!  :) Our homestudy is almost complete. Our SW completed our report they are just waiting to get the last of our paperwork in.  We are on the adoption agencies website and should be finalizing our profile this week!  YAY!  Everything is finally coming together. 

DX: Severe MFI (very low motility) in 2006. 2 IVF's and 1 FET ended in 3 losses. Adopted our baby girl born 10/2/10. FET March 2012= c/p. Officially done with fertIlity treatments. Plan to start adoption process again 2014/2015.

Re: Hi again! It's been awhile...

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