I am about in the most massive pain I could possibly endure right now. I have not had a bm in 3-4 days and I have been trying since last night. I have tried loads of fiber, milk of magnesia , fruits, TONS of fluids.........I mean everything ..I am not making any progress....I just went and bought miralax is this even going to give me any relief overnight?..I am tempted to go to ER its that bad.....Are fleet enemas safe for pregnant women? sorry TMI but I really appreciate this advice. It is so bad right now that Im afraid to pee for having to try and strain without really wanting to. Its so bad.
Re: Severe Constipation
oh sweetie! i had horrible constipation after my dd and i swear it was worse than labor! my doctor recommended prune juice and colace (or peri-colace). i went the next day. it was such relief! i have also taken peri-colace a few times this pregnancy. good luck.
I feel your pain! The miralax worked for me by the next morning. I had to stop taking the prenatals and i'm now taking 2 flintstones. I was only going about once every 6 to 7 days and it was horrible.
Good luck.
Ditto this and Colace.
Prune juice is a cheap and easy thing to try.
I had severe problems back in the beginning of the second tri. I tried colace, coffee, fruit, fiber... nothing worked. I was in agony. Then I tried prune juice. It tastes nasty, but it worked for me about 12 hours after I drank a glass. It was seriously a miracle. I only needed two glasses (over two days) to solve the problem.
I started eating a bowl of Fiber One cereal every day after I drank the prune juice and I haven't really had any problems since.