2nd Trimester

Severe Constipation

I am about in the most massive pain I could possibly endure right now. I have not had a bm in 3-4 days and I have been trying since last night. I have tried loads of fiber, milk of magnesia , fruits, TONS of fluids.........I mean everything ..I am not making any progress....I just went and bought miralax is this even going to give me any relief overnight?..I am tempted to go to ER its that bad.....Are fleet enemas safe for pregnant women? sorry TMI but I really appreciate this advice. It is so bad right now that Im afraid to pee for having to try and strain without really wanting to. Its so bad.

Re: Severe Constipation

  • oh sweetie!  i had horrible constipation after my dd and i swear it was worse than labor!  my doctor recommended prune juice and colace (or peri-colace).  i went the next day. it was such relief!  i have also taken peri-colace a few times this pregnancy.  good luck.


  • Don't know about enemas, but to keep this from happening in the future, ask your doctor about the prenatal vitamins that has the stool softener in them.  They work like a charm and you can stay regular everyday.
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  • stay away from laxatives because they are really harsh on your body. I was told that stool softeners are good to take.
  • It was pretty bad for me for a while too.  It turned out that the only thing that worked for me was coffee.  (And it worked pretty quickly, too!)
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  • Ok so maybe some coffee and Ive also heard hot water and lemon!?! Seriously I am desperate for ANY SAFE options. I am 13 wks for what its worth...
  • I feel your pain!  The miralax worked for me by the next morning.  I had to stop taking the prenatals and i'm now taking 2 flintstones. I was only going about once every 6 to 7 days and it was horrible.

    Good luck.

  • I've always had trouble going, but its gotten so much worse since getting pregnant, especially these past four weeks. I try to remember to Benefiber every day, but I forget a lot. I helps if you take it regularly, but I forget so often that it doesn't help that much. And my pre-natal does have a stool softener in it, but that's never helped me. I suffer a lot... I'm thinking that on my next appointment I'm going to have to say something to my doc again about it.
  • I know..I hate to call my OB on the wkend and have them page him..for this ...but Im going to give the miralax a chance and then call his office in the morning....his nurses are awesome and should really be able to give me a solution to not letting this happen again! this is the 3rd time...and colace..does not work!....it may for some...but it has never worked for me....
  • I would call the after hours clinic number and see if they thought you should go to the ER. My first trimester was horrible with constipation, but never as bad as yours. My midwife said it was from the prenatal vitamins. I stopped taking them and it didn't happen again. I know some people would really frown on that but my MW said as long as you eat healthy it is ok after the first tri.
  • imagesadielove:
    It was pretty bad for me for a while too.  It turned out that the only thing that worked for me was coffee.  (And it worked pretty quickly, too!)

    Ditto this and Colace.

  • I had what you're going through and ended up going to the ER and having a nurse give me an enema, so yes fleet enemas are okay for you to have, just NO laxatives. Stool Softeners are okay, but they can take too long to work (and I kept throwing them up since that was also when m/s was at its worst). I would definitely suggest doing a home enema as opposed to an ER visit, since that's what they would give you anyway. And I'm sorry you're going through this, I know how much it hurts! I now add Benefiber powder to everything I can, oatmeal, juice, pancake mix, eggs, you name it, if it will blend I use a teaspoon of Benefiber once a day and I haven't had this problem since. Oh I also switched to a chewable prenatal vitamin, that I can split in half and take half with lunch and half with dinner so it digests much easier and doesn't cause backups, it's called Natachew (generic is Nutrinate). I have IBS as well so constipation was something I was used to, but btwn the vitamins and throwing up it got twice as bad. Good luck to you! Hope you get relief soon. And never feel bad paging your OB, that's what they are there for. If you are in pain and need help, don't wait till tomorrow, call tonight!
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  • Prune juice is a cheap and easy thing to try. 

    I had severe problems back in the beginning of the second tri.  I tried colace, coffee, fruit, fiber... nothing worked.  I was in agony.  Then I tried prune juice.  It tastes nasty, but it worked for me about 12 hours after I drank a glass.  It was seriously a miracle.  I only needed two glasses (over two days) to solve the problem.

    I started eating a bowl of Fiber One cereal every day after I drank the prune juice and I haven't really had any problems since.


  • Start taking colace everyday.  I also suggest getting some glycerin suppositories and just keeping them in your fridge (so they don't melt).  They work and aren't as uncomfortable as an enema.  Good luck! Huh?
  • I mix about 3 T of FiberSure with a 20 oz bottle of vitamin water every morning ... keeps me hydrated and keeps me regular.  I had horrible constipation ... still get it, too.  But the FIberSUre/vitamin water works pretty well ... when I still have a problem after all that, I take Colace.  Coffee works well, too.
  • When I have my serious bouts with constipation, I take Miralax and it seems to help.  My doctor said not to take enemas.  I take Collace every day and Flintstone vitamins.  Good luck!
  • Activia Yogurt has really helped me. I have to eat a cup everyday, but after a few days I got more regular then i had been in long while!
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  • The same thing happened to me at about 12 or 13 weeks also. The only thing that worked for me was a suppository. I know that sounds awful but if you are really that bad, it's worth it believe me. Then I started eating Raisin Bran for breakfast and that helped afterward plus my prenates have a stool softener in them. My system is still not working normally but its better. I laid off the Raisin Bran a little about a month ago and ended up with the worst hemorrhoids ever so beware of those too! Get it under control now!
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