go to my bump at the top left. click on edit my profile, and the signature box is at the bottom. You just cut and paste the codes that the ticker sites give you, or upload a photo (tiny pic, etc) and paste the code there too
Making lefse at the cabin
**Scott 6/8/96** **Avery 7/24/08** **Brendan 7/15/10**
Yeah I added two badges too... not sure how to put my pictures on here yet.. do I have to upload them to another website and link it to here?
very late responding but try uploading your pictures to tinypic.com , they'll give you a code and everything to cut and paste onto the bump. Also, if you want your badges to come out side by side versus underneath each other, make sure to put a space between each code (don't hit enter causing a line break).
Re: Message Board Question
go to my bump at the top left. click on edit my profile, and the signature box is at the bottom. You just cut and paste the codes that the ticker sites give you, or upload a photo (tiny pic, etc) and paste the code there too
I see your ticker...is that what you wanted to show as your signature?
very late responding but try uploading your pictures to tinypic.com , they'll give you a code and everything to cut and paste onto the bump. Also, if you want your badges to come out side by side versus underneath each other, make sure to put a space between each code (don't hit enter causing a line break).
Send me a pm if you have more questions!