

my DS hasn't slept since 11 this morning.  he will.not.nap.  Normally he's out after 2 hours. He's really tired (his eyes are heavy and has trouble getting  good seal on the bottle b/c he's tired) and not even cranky, but just won't sleep!

Re: dang

  • Robbie went through a nap strike a couple of weeks ago. PURE HELL. You have my sympathies.
  • Yeah, I don't love those days.  At least he'll probably go to bed early and maybe sleep longer...  Crossing my fingers for you.
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  • Reese did that yesterday. She finally gave it up at 5pm and then slept until 5am!  She's horrible napper, though.  I think she thinks she's going to miss something if she sleeps! lol!
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