2nd Trimester

17 week PIP

and still waiting for some movement!!!! Can't wait to feel somthing.....anything!


DS #1- Ares Christopher

DS #2- Taj Lee

DD #1 Alba Gray

Baby #4- coming in May

Re: 17 week PIP

  • You look fabulous! I still look like your 13 weeks pic, I'm so jealous!!

    Don't worry, you'll start feeling LO in no time!

  • Adorable!! Obviously everyone is different, but around 17 weeks I felt a ton of fluttering, but not much more than that. And it would be days before I felt anything again. Yesterday I was napping and was woken up by a kick to the bladder. It was the most amazing thing ever!! After that it was all over the place, probably doing gymnastics in there haha.
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  • Cute! Looks like baby is growing on your progressive pictures :). ?I felt movement during week 17 so hopefully it will start soon for you.
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  • imageloregopar:

    You look fabulous! I still look like your 13 weeks pic, I'm so jealous!!

    Don't worry, you'll start feeling LO in no time!

    I don't even LOOK pregnant!! It makes me sad, but I know everyone carries differently. Mine is all in my lower belly.

  • imageLarloBlue:

    You look fabulous! I still look like your 13 weeks pic, I'm so jealous!!

    Don't worry, you'll start feeling LO in no time!

    I don't even LOOK pregnant!! It makes me sad, but I know everyone carries differently. Mine is all in my lower belly.

    I have a very very short torso, so there is nowhere for things to move LoL

    DS #1- Ares Christopher

    DS #2- Taj Lee

    DD #1 Alba Gray

    Baby #4- coming in May

  • imagea4smith:

    You look fabulous! I still look like your 13 weeks pic, I'm so jealous!!

    Don't worry, you'll start feeling LO in no time!

    I don't even LOOK pregnant!! It makes me sad, but I know everyone carries differently. Mine is all in my lower belly.

    I have a very very short torso, so there is nowhere for things to move LoL

    I have a very long one...so that has to be it!! Is this your first LO?

  • Yup the longer your torso the longer it takes is what I have heard. This is my first.

    DS #1- Ares Christopher

    DS #2- Taj Lee

    DD #1 Alba Gray

    Baby #4- coming in May

  • This is my first as well!
  • I'm so glad that someone else has a bump at 17w! You look adorable.
  • cute bump! I bet you'll start feeling those first flutters soon (unless you have an anterior placenta of course) Smile
  • image30&TTC#1:
    cute bump! I bet you'll start feeling those first flutters soon (unless you have an anterior placenta of course) Smile

    I am starting to worry that I do! Ahh but I was able to find the heartbeat on my doppler at 10 weeks and I heard if you have an anterior placenta its harder to find early right?

    DS #1- Ares Christopher

    DS #2- Taj Lee

    DD #1 Alba Gray

    Baby #4- coming in May

  • imagea4smith:

    cute bump! I bet you'll start feeling those first flutters soon (unless you have an anterior placenta of course) Smile

    I am starting to worry that I do! Ahh but I was able to find the heartbeat on my doppler at 10 weeks and I heard if you have an anterior placenta its harder to find early right?

    I *believe* that's right but I'm no expert! Do you have your gender u/s soon? They'll tell you if you have an anterior placenta at that u/s. people feel movement at different times depending on where your baby is so don't worry Smile

  • Cute bump!  You look like Soleil Moon Fry.....do you get that all of the time?
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  • imageLarloBlue:

    You look fabulous! I still look like your 13 weeks pic, I'm so jealous!!

    Don't worry, you'll start feeling LO in no time!

    I don't even LOOK pregnant!! It makes me sad, but I know everyone carries differently. Mine is all in my lower belly.

    I have a very very short torso, so there is nowhere for things to move LoL

    I have a very long one...so that has to be it!! Is this your first LO?

    Long torso here as well, also my first. Only people that know me notice that I'm pregnant, and I'm sure it helps that they know I am! I'm sure no stranger has noticed yet.

  • You are adorable pg lady! What a cute belly!
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