
What's the typical weight limit in bassinet of PNP?

Just curious since my boys hang out in there much of the day with me in the livingroom....

The listing on BRU says that the weight limit is 30 pounds.. but I assume that's just for the inside.. not the bassinet?

Re: What's the typical weight limit in bassinet of PNP?

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    The one I have (Nouvelle with the bassinet feature) says up to 15 lbs. for the bassinet feature, up to 25 lbs. for the changer feature, and up to 30 lbs. for the play pen feature.


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    Our bassinet and the top porton of our PNP is only 16 lbs or 3 mos.  The bottom of our PNP is 30 lbs or 2 yrs.
    Mom to Harmon 1/17/08 and twins Rachel & Callum 8/28/09 Photobucket 29o0v13.jpg
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    Thanks ladies!  So my boys at 7 lbs 3 oz and 8 lbs 5 oz are now above the limit.. WHOOPS!  Glad I asked!  Embarrassed
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    Yep, sounds like it's time to move them to the bottom level! (That's why I got an Arm's Reach Original Cosleeper at first instead; it goes up to 40 lbs at both the bassinet level and the lower level.)
    fraternal twin boys born january 2009
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    does weight distribution have an affect at all?

    we're in a similar situation...babies are now 7.5 pounds a piece.  we have a 2nd PNP, but i am wondering if 2 7-pound babies on each side is differnent than 1 big baby in the middle?

    it doesnt look like its starting to sag or anything. 

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    I know... I have each boy leaning in a boppy, so they're on each side of the PNP. 

    At this stage, I can't imagine having to lean all the way into the PNP, to lay the boys down... so I guess we'll stick to the swings and bouncers for a while...

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    At their age, you could put them on a blanket on the floor in the Boppys if not together in the PnP (unless you have pets you're trying to protect them from or something).
    fraternal twin boys born january 2009
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