Baby Names

i need opinions :o)

Here is what we are thinking right now:

Girls: ?Ryann Elizabeth, Maddison Elizabeth, Maddison Dallas (Dallas is a family name), Isabelle Ann

Boys: ?Hunter Scott, Parker Scott, Aiden Christopher, Aiden James, Owen Christopher, Owen James?

Your thoughts are appreciated!?

Re: i need opinions :o)

  • Since Isabelle is the only one that has the correct spelling I'll go with that for a girl.

    For a boy I only like the middle names, Christopher, Scott and James.

  • Madison is way too trendy (and adding the extra D doesn't help the cause)

    Ryan is a boys name and it should stay that way. Spelling it girly does not make it any less then a boys name spelled girly.

    Isabelle - Yes

    Aiden - trendy and way over used

    Others are really not my style but if I had to choose, Owen is the best of the worst.

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    Since Isabelle is the only one that has the correct spelling I'll go with that for a girl.

    This. I like most of the boys names except Aidan. It's so overused. 

  • I like Ryan Elizabeth and Aiden James
  • I hate the Ryan for a girl trend and I especially dislike Ryann.  To me they are pronounced differently Ryan=RYE in and Ryann=Rye ANN.  Maddison and Isabelle are pretty similar, although I'm not a fan of the extra D.

    I like Parker Scott and either Owen.

  • I like Ryann Elizabeth. I am not a fan of th 2 N's though. I like it better at Ryan. 


    For a boy I like Owen Christopher 

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  • I like Isabelle Ann and Aiden (with either middle name) best.  The others are NMS.
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  • I knew 2 girls with the name Ryann.. One spelled it like you have it and the other spelled it with a hyphen like this Ry-Ann. I personally love the name and elizabeth sounds great with it!
  • Of your girl names, I like Isabelle Ann.

    To me, Ryann should be pronounced Ry-ANN. Is that how you meant it to be pronounced? Also, I'm not a fan of the extra D in Madison. It looks cumbersome to me, and she'll have to correct people a lot.

    Of your boy names, I like Owen Christopher and Aiden James.

  • I love Ryann for a girl's name; I really like it when people use typical boys names for girls.

    I like Parker Scott; Scott is a very strong name so I think it goes well as a middle name.

  • Isabelle Ann and Own Christopher or Owen James. I like those. The others are really NMS.
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  • Girl-Isabelle Ann

    Boy-Owen James or Aiden James 

  • I like Owen Christopher or Owen James. Isabelle is cute. I like that more than Isabella. Hunter and Parker sound WT to me. Aiden is the #1 name right now. Madison and any of it's spellings are so trendy and will date your child. Ryan/Ryann for a girl is ridiculous. Sorry, but I can't stand boy name for girls. 
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