
I have to vent about DS2's eating habits...

or lack thereof. DS1 has always been an excellent eater, so this is super new to me, and really frustrating. Jonas will be one in just over a week. The only things I can get him to eat on a regular basis are yogurt, cheerios, and fruit. Everything else he either won't touch (just shakes his head no furiously) or he'll eat once and never touch again.

I wouldn't be super concerned if he wasn't so small. His weight is barely on the charts, and if you look at weight to height ratio he is not on the chart at all. We are in the process of trying to drop bottles and have gotten down to two a day. He will drink very diluted juice and about one small cup of milk a day. But he just doesn't want to eat. 

I am this close to just giving up and giving him a third bottle a day again because I'm scared that he is just not getting enough. I would really like to have the bottles gone soon, but if the kid won't eat, I don't know what else to do.

Any suggestions or commiseration? 

Re: I have to vent about DS2's eating habits...

  • I would definitely keep up the bottles.  At age one my son (BF) got maybe 10% (max, max..) of his daily calories from solids.  He was just not ready.  I think 15 mos or so it changed a bit and he was weaned and eating reasonably well by 22 mos. 
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