I let DS decorate easel paper with stamps and stickers for B-day gift wrapping paper for older family members like grandparents, aunts and uncles. It just seems personal. However we have a B-day party to go to in a 2 hours for DS's 2nd cousin who is turning 6. Would it look cheap or stupid for him to do that for his wrapping paper? I know the 6 y/o could care less about the "thought" that and that Cooper did it and it's not meaningful to him like it would be DS's aunt or grandparent. The problem is I just realized I don't have any real wrapping paper at home and home by myself with him and I just put him down for a nap and don't really have time to go get wrapping paper at the store. Would it look cheesey to do the same for the 6 y/o?
Re: Be honest is this idea cheesy?