
buybuybaby - seriously? vent

I just got off the phone with them for the second time in 2 days after registering only 2 days ago.  Its been nothing but issues and every time I call I have to get a manager and they are even worse.  I really thought they were the best (out of what I have here which is only BRU and BBB in terms of "superstores"  so frustrated.  I just happened to register 2 days ago for the city mini and they were like clueless to give me the manufacturers ID number so I could find out if the one I registered for was in the recalled bunch (because of course someone already bought it - the one thing off the whole friggin registry) according to the manager I just spoke to they aren't getting any back in and according to the person that bought it, customer service said they were getting them back in. Ugh and by the way, even though the system shows the item as discountinued (nothing to do with the recall, they just weren't ordering more of the color I got) the item is still on the floor and available to be registered for.  duh!  vent over Thanks for letting me rant!

Re: buybuybaby - seriously? vent

  • That is frustrating. ?We registered for a city mini double. ?Somehow MIL got it for us (not sure if they bought it online before the recall or what). ?But here is the link for the recall #s, I still have to check ours. ?Seems like a simple buckle replacement even if ours was recalled. ?(Sorry it's not clicky).


  • I registered for this also at buy buy baby. Thanks for posting this. I'm going to call the store and see what they say. I'm not sure if I should take this off the registry or not.
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  • The buckle recall is really simple.  The customer service people sent the new ones right out and I replaced mine this weekend.
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