ear infections in adults or kids? Because I have had a middle ear infection for 3 days now and stabbing myself in the ear with a shard of glass would be less painful. Oh My God!!! This is the most horrendous pain that just will not subside for anything. I am on an antibiotic and extreme amounts of tylenol and advil, but I can't believe this is what kids go through. If so, mine handle it a lot better than me. Ever had one? Any other home remedies that can help? I can't take it anymore.
Re: Which is worse?
you can try a warm compress to your ear/face... some people prefer cool though. luke warm oil with a garlic clove in it (pop the clove once, then let is soak in the oil for a day, just use a drop or two of the oil) put that in.. it is supposed to have antiinfective properties, plus the lukewarm oil soothes. ??? I've heard people swear by this method of treatment
hope you feel better soon.