
Desperate times call for desperate measures...

You would think that since I have 3 kids and 7 years parenting experience that I would be prepared for anything. Well, it's actually the opposite. When my first child was born I carried a gigantic super-sized diaper bag full of every emergency item imaginable (change of clothes, gas drops, diaper rash cream, toys....). After my second baby I carried a much smaller diaper bag with only the essentials (diapers, wipes...). Now with my third child I'm lucky to even remember to bring him with me (lol). I usually just shove a few diapers in the glove box for emergencies and keep a box of wipes in the car. Anyway, now to my story from yesterday. We were out running errands and my 2 year old pooped. I went to the car to get a diaper...there were none. We were nowhere in walking distance to a place to buy diapers and he refuses to sit down when he has a load in his diaper. I ended up taking the diaper off, wiping him up and.... putting a maxi pad in his onsie! I didn't know what else to do. I have to say though that it worked like a charm and got us home. I haven't even told dh yet, he'd probably kill me if I ever told my son that he wore a maxi pad...especially in front of his girlfriend when he's 16. lol.

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