Anybody currently have this, do you have any issues with the children if they get up in the middle of the night such as hearing them or coming down the stairs?
In my old house, I had this set up and didn't like it. I ended up moving upstairs to one of the other bedrooms (smaller). We really didn't like the set up at all. We ended up building a new house so we could have them all on one floor. But that said, I think I was a bit of a nut at the time. When I was a kid, my parents were on the first floor and we were on the second. We were ok. But I only had dd so I felt like she'd be all alone up there. Crazy, I know. But she does wake up now with nightmares and it is easier on the same floor.
The majority of the new homes we looked at were set up like this and were a "no" right away. With little one's it's just impractical and a pita. Even though they all sleep through the night, probably once a week one of them needs us for something in the middle of the night. I would hate to climb stairs all tired, but I suppose it's a personal preference. I may be singing a different tune when they're teens!
We have our MB and the nursery on the first floor and DD and (soon) DS will be upstairs. We haven't had any issues with it. In fact, I prefer it because it's quieter for them (they can't hear us watch tv at night or us talking, etc). DD can come down the stairs on her own if she needs us. When she was younger, we just had the monitor in her room and she would call us.
Our house is set up that way,the master is on the first floor and the other 3 bedrooms are upstairs, I hated it at first , But now I love it, both kids are up stairs, everything is so quite up there for them, it worked out so much better. We did have to put a gate at the top of the stairs, that way DS cannot go down the stairs during the middle of the night.
Many of my friends have this set up. In my area these type of homes are called split levels. They have never had any problems hearing the kids, they use regular monitors or video monitors for the nursery or younger ones rooms.
My main concern with these houses are fire. I wouldn't be comfortable living in a house set up like this until I knew my kids could get out safely in a fire by themselves.
That's how our house is. It's not an issue. I've got knob-protectors on W's door, and a gate in front of it, so if he got the door open it would buy me some time to at least get a light on before he could try to come downstairs.
Kill all my demons and my angels might die too. -Tennessee Williams
We're downstairs along with the nursery and DS is upstairs. So far (knocking on wood) he has yet to get out of bed without one of us coming to get him. It's only a matter of time before he figures it out though. We baby gate his room and the stairs because our stairs are straight up and steep....and hardwood on top of that.
Re: Kids bedrooms on 2nd floor master bedroom on 1st?
The majority of the new homes we looked at were set up like this and were a "no" right away. With little one's it's just impractical and a pita. Even though they all sleep through the night, probably once a week one of them needs us for something in the middle of the night. I would hate to climb stairs all tired, but I suppose it's a personal preference. I may be singing a different tune when they're teens!
(m/c 1.17.07, m/c 5.15.07)
DS - 03.15.08
DD2 - 12.03.09
DD3 - 3.28.11
You take my ovaries, I take your yarns.